Field Theatre Creative Arts Engagement

Poetry * Creative writing * Textile art * schools art history *
The Field Theatre Group has engaged our community
in a huge range of creative and expressive art activities

With a grant from the Cooperative Community Fund we explored the secrets and surprises, stories and memories hidden within the humble shopping receipt ... And turned them into stories, art and poetry !
The finished pieces formed the basis of a performance and exhibition at the Yl Performing Arts Centre in Littleport
We were extremely fortunate to have internationally renowned poet Ms Wendy Cope OBE as our special guest.

Art, poppy-making and creative writing
with pupils of Littleport Community Primary School, to commemorate the fallen of Littleport in the Great War

An anthology of poems written by the community to commemorate the outbreak of the Great War

Community exhibition featuring art and writing created by local school pupils
The Catching, Cooking and Eating of Eels
Community art and creative writing, travelling installation, sound narration.

With funding from the Ouse Washes Landscape Partnership
(National Lottery) The Field hosted community creative writing
and arts workshops.
The workshops, explored the natural history, habitat and mythology of that most important of fenland denizens ... the eel.

Button Tree. Community textile art and story-making
